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    Federal Reserve 結果共12筆

  • Taiwan stock market dips, recovers slightly to 21,500 points

    Discover the latest on the Taiwan Stock Exchange’s significant drop and modest recovery, including the performance of major tech stocks like TSMC, MediaTek, and Foxconn. Learn how U.S. market trends and unemployment benefits claims impact Taiwan’s stock market, despite Nvidia’s record high.
    2024/05/24 11:32
  • Taiwan Central Bank holds interest rate steady for 3rd time

    Taiwan’s central bank has announced that it will maintain its interest rate for the third consecutive time in its quarterly board meeting. The decision was influenced by price changes and the need to balance stabilizing consumer prices with sustaining economic growth. Despite rising consumer prices due to natural disasters, the central bank remains optimistic and expects the inflation rate to drop below 2% next year. Forecasts for Taiwan’s GDP growth rate in 2023 are more positive, projected to reach 3.12%. This is supported by increasing private consumption, particularly in tourism and dining, as well as the central bank’s expectation of a global export increase to stimulate local investment and drive economic recovery. In contrast to the Federal Reserve in the U.S., Taiwan’s central bank stated that its monetary policy approach would be adjusted gradually based on the country’s economic conditions. Despite high housing prices, the central bank has decided against imposing stricter measures or withdrawing from market intervention to avoid further impact on the property market.
    2023/12/15 16:31
  • Taiwan defense stocks surge ahead of presidential election

    Taipei’s military, national defense, and aerospace stocks experienced notable performances in early trading as Taiwan’s presidential election approaches. AirAsia, Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC), and Thunder Tiger stood out, attracting investor attention. With the United States reporting a slowdown in inflation growth, the market anticipates a lower probability of further interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve (Fed). AirAsia reported a net zero profit for the first ten months of the year, with optimism in the commercial maintenance market. AIDC exceeded last year’s total revenue in the first ten months, aiming for its highest annual profit since listing. AIDC Chairman Hu Kai-hung is working towards enhancing Taiwan’s aerospace industry through the A-Team 4.0 alliance. Thunder Tiger is planning collaborations with domestic electric vehicle supply chains and aiming to introduce innovative solutions in the defense sector.
    2023/12/12 19:13
  • 美年末消費強勁!美股企業獲利反彈 聯準會這時有望降息

    富蘭克林證券投顧指出,雖然聯準會(Federal Reserve)主席鮑爾(Jerome Powell)已承諾將持續「謹慎」行事,市場觀望聯準會是否會再度啟動升息週期。儘管美國2023年第三季(3Q23)經濟成長強勁,但由於就業市場放緩以及通膨數據進一步下降,分析人士預計,在2024年3月之前聯準會不會升息,甚至可能在2024年5月降息。
    2023/12/04 10:25
  • 德意志銀行:同時湊齊2條件 日圓有機會飆漲60%

    日圓自2019年以來持續走貶,6日匯率約為1美元兌136圓。德意志銀行指出,若日本央行政策正常化,搭配聯準會(Federal Reserve System)進入寬鬆週期,日圓有望飆升至1美元兌85圓,等於是升值近60%。
    2023/03/07 10:12
  • 美國聯準會本週料將升息 美股3大指數開盤均走高

    美國聯邦準備理事會(Federal Reserve)本週將發布利率決策會議結論,投資人準備藉此和企業財報評估強勢美元與通貨膨脹帶來的影響,美股三大指數今天開盤都走高。
    2022/07/25 23:02
  • 美股重挫後反彈 科技股開高「那指上漲0.48%」

    在美國聯邦準備理事會(Federal Reserve)宣布1994年以來最大單次升息幅度,導致美股主要指數前一個交易日重挫收黑後,華爾街股巿主要指數今天開盤漲跌互見。
    2022/06/17 23:00
  • 聯準會利率決策有變? 俄烏緊張讓3月升息添變數

    若俄羅斯持續對烏克蘭採取侵略行為,美國聯邦準備理事會(Federal Reserve)3月後調升利率的前景可能變得較不明朗。
    2022/02/23 17:04
  • 市場擔憂通膨升溫!美股開盤3大指數重挫

    華爾街3大指數今天開盤重挫,因為市場擔憂通貨膨脹升溫,可能迫使美國聯邦準備理事會(U.S. Federal Reserve)很快就會開始削減各種振興經濟措施。
    2021/05/19 23:04
  • 傳緬甸軍方政變後意圖挪移在美資金 遭美凍結

    緬甸軍方在2月1日奪取政權後,企圖挪走存放在紐約聯邦準備銀行(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)約10億美元,美國官方已凍結這項資金。
    2021/03/05 12:59
  • 臉書虛擬貨幣驚動全球 聯準會:將密切關注

    美國聯邦準備理事會(Federal Reserve)主席鮑爾(Jeromy Powell)今天表示,聯準會將仔細檢視臉書(Facebook)最新公布的加密貨幣Libra計畫,考慮針對虛擬貨幣制定規範。
    2019/06/26 14:54
  • 美聯準會傾向加快升息 指貿易戰是風險

    美國聯準會(Federal Reserve)今天表示,貿易戰前景對美國經濟造成「不利因素」,否則就會穩步成長。隨經濟加溫,升息步伐可能也會加快。
    2018/04/12 09:26
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